Wednesday 25 April 2012

Questions 2 - 4

Question 2 - How does your media product represent particular social groups?

1. The social group that our film represents is that of people with authority. We chose this group as i felt that how people use authority was interesting. This has been studied throughout film history in gangster films, war films and the political thriller which is what we chose to study. Instead of looking at how power corrupts we felt it would be more interesting to look at the struggle for power and its uses for both good and evil and the eventual loss of power.

2. The first shot taken from 'All the Kings Men' (2006, Zaillian) shows Sean Penn's character in the midst of a ferocious speech, he is dressed in a grey suit with a black tie. Whilst the politician in my piece is dressed in the same way (the reason for which I have given earlier) he is a calmer presence on the screen. I chose to make my politician a calm calculating figure in reference to the communist leader Joseph Starlin's quiet demeanor but evil intentions.

3. To represent authority within our opening sequence we contrasted a politician who is at the peek of his powers with a 'lone' assassin who seemingly has no authority in society. The politician wears a suit that represents power whilst the assassin dresses shabbily portraying is lack there of. We concentrated heavily on the assassins feet as he takes of smart leather shoes and walks barefoot which foreshadows the death he brings to the film and also hints at a rejection of society. This again remains in contrast with the smart suit shoes that the politician wears.

Question 3 - What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

  •  A production company is a company that invests money into the film in order to gain a stake in the film. The production company we made called 'Story Productions' related to the fact that my name is Ruairi (Rory) and my friends name is Thomas Steen.  So I added Steen to Rory to create 'Story'
  • A distribution company is the company that helps get your film to its audience whether it be online, in cinemas or on DVD. I would imagine due to my films small scale and lack of star directors or actors I would have to either try and gain a small independent distribution company or release the film online to gain awareness for it in hope of drumming up enough interest to get access to a larger distribution company
  • Films that i think are similar to me are 'All the Kings men' and 'The Ides of March'
  • To get finance for my film I would ask the local council for a grant or try and get one from the lottery fund if all this fails i would try and set up a fundraiser in the local community                              
Question 4 - Who would be the audience for your media products?

                              Story Productions - Production company
                              Joe Pleavin - The assassin
                              Thomas Steen - The Politician
                              Editor - Ruairi Campbell
                              Director - Ruairi Campbell

 Name: James Leveson
Age: 27
Location: British, European
Likes: Film , Music, Politics
Dislikes: Trash TV
Films they enjoy: Political thrillers, crime films and film mate for a more mature intellectual adult.
TV shows: West Wing, The Wire and The Sopranos
Music: The Sex Pistols, The Libertines and Billy Bragg

 I feel this person is my ideal audience member has he his life appears to revolve around all things political like his music, film and television taste whilst he also enjoys watch film. As a 20 something without children he also has money and time to spare which enables him to visit the cinema with friends. He is also a modern European man which widens the area in which the film can be targeted

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