Wednesday 25 April 2012

Question 1

Question 1 - In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

The Title: I chose the simple title of 'The Politician' as it gives the audience the genre, main character and narrative focus of the film in a simplistic way. It also reminds me of my favorite films like 'The Godfather' which stick  to plain titles.


 Font and Styles: The font and style I chose for most of the titles was plain and simple as not distract from the film. Whereas, the last credit of the director and the film's title is lined with red which of course hints at blood and violence to come.

Location: The assassins introductory shots take place in a dingy alleyway full of dirt.

 Location II: The politicians intro is in a cleaner brighter place with a tint of green which hints  towards his weakness to greed


The politicians suit is purposefully a reference to Sean Penn's character 'In all the King's Men.' It also references the characters grey area, his morality. Whereas, the assassins clothes are strange and less formal. His clothes mismatch in style and colour whilst his lack of shoes references The Beatles album 'Abbey Road' in which Paul McCartney didn't wear any shoes leading many fans to believe he was actually dead.

Lighting: I tried to always make any shot with the assassin involve a small section of white bright light to tell the audience that maybe this assassin wasn't totally evil.

Characterisation: The audience his never shown the assassins face to add to his mystery in this opening sequence, so a characterisation his quite hard to analyse. However, the politician is given close ups and long lasting shots to emphasize his importance and to let the audience study his face and make them trust him.

               Camera angles:

When a prop was used that I felt important to the narrative of the film I made sure to give it a close up. Whilst i tried to always give the politician a low angle shot so it would give him a greater presence. I also hid the  obstructed the camera's view sometimes as to give the shots a handheld quality.

                        Visual effects:

The "BREAKING NEWS" banner at the bottom of the shot helps created a realistic press conference in which the politician can give his 'great speech. I also tinted the politicians scenes heavily with green to relay his greedy desire for power to the audience in a subtle manner.

Genre: I think by showing the politicians speech the political thriller genre i am trying to portray is highlighted.

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